Welcome to Our Church Giving Page!

Your generosity helps us make a difference in the lives of individuals and communities locally and around the world. Your support enables us to continue our mission of spreading Christ’s love, compassion, and hope to all.

Whether you're giving for the first time or are a regular contributor, every donation counts and is deeply appreciated. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and sow seeds of love and transformation as we make earth a little bit more like heaven each and every day. Thank you for partnering with us in this important work. Your generosity is truly changing lives!

You can also share your blessings in the following ways:

  • CHECKS or CASH may be mailed to FUPCDC, 14391 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, VA 22193, or delivered to the church office in person.

  • ONLINE GIVING through the Presbyterian Foundation is a convenient way to ensure your pledge is regularly fulfilled throughout the year. Please click on the ONLINE GIVING button below to set up a recurring or one time gift to FUPCDC.

  • DONATE SECURITIES - Stock Certificates/Securities may be donated to support the ministries of FUPCDC. Contact the Stewardship & Finance Ministry Team Leader, or the Church Treasurer at treasurer@fupcdc.org for more information.

  • SIGN UP TO SERVE - Members and friends of FUPCDC are encouraged to give their TIME and TALENTS to support the ministries of FUPCDC. Please contact the church office (703-670-7834 / office@fupcdc.org), the Pastor at adam.bowling@fupcdc.org, or a member of the Stewardship & Finance Team.

  • DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT WITH EMPLOYER MATCHING GIFTS - Did you know that many employers offer matching gift programs to support charitable donations made by their employees? This means that your generous contributions to our church can go even further, at no additional cost to you!

    • What is an Employer Matching Gift?

      An employer matching gift is a program where companies match donations made by their employees to eligible nonprofit organizations. This is a fantastic way to increase your support for our church’s mission and activities.

      How Can You Participate?

      • Check with Your Employer: Inquire if your company has a matching gift program. Human Resources departments typically manage these programs and can provide details on how to apply.

      • Donate to Our Church: Make your donation through our giving page or during our services.

      • Submit the Matching Gift Request: Follow your employer’s process to request the matching funds. This might involve filling out a form or providing a receipt of your donation.

      • Notify Us: Let us know once you’ve submitted the request so we can be on the lookout for the matching gift.

      Why Should You Participate?

      • Amplify Your Contribution: Your donation can be doubled or even tripled, increasing the impact of your generosity.

      • Support Our Programs: Matching gifts help fund our outreach programs, community services, and church maintenance.

      • Strengthen Our Community: Every dollar matched strengthens our ability to serve and grow as a church family.

      Your support makes a significant difference, and with employer matching, your impact can be even greater. Thank you for your continued generosity and commitment to our church community!

  • PLANNED GIVING - Explore the Power of Planned Giving.

    Your legacy is a testament to your values and beliefs, and planned giving offers a meaningful way to ensure your impact extends far beyond your lifetime. By including our church in your estate plans, you can leave a lasting legacy of faith, love, and service.

    Planned giving allows you to make a profound difference in the lives of future generations while providing valuable support for the ongoing ministries of our church. Whether through a bequest, charitable gift annuity, or other planned giving instrument, your generosity will help sustain the vital work of our community for years to come.

    We invite you to learn more about the various planned giving options available and how you can make a lasting impact through your estate plans. Your commitment to our church's future is deeply appreciated and will help ensure that our mission continues to thrive for generations to come.

    To explore planned giving opportunities or to discuss your estate planning goals further, please contact the church Treasurer at treasurer@fupcdc.org, or the chair or the Stewardship & Finance Ministry Team.

    Thank you for considering a gift that will leave a lasting legacy of faith, hope, and love.