Capital Campaign 2024 - 2027
Report on the Capital Campaign Projects by Elder Amy Bean - 11-17-2024: Congregational Meeting
Capital Campaign Intro Video
We hope you will prayerfully consider pledging and giving to this important campaign. The Session emphasizes that this campaign should not replace or decrease your normal giving or your upcoming 2025 pledge. If you can give above and beyond your regular contributions, it would be greatly appreciated and incredibly helpful.
Campaign Overview Our capital campaign aims to address several critical needs, including replacing our HVAC systems, updating the sanctuary flooring, and potentially installing solar panels. These improvements are essential for maintaining our church building and ensuring it continues to serve as a vital ministry tool for our congregation and the broader community.
Project Details and Costs
HVAC Systems Replacement: $735,000
Sanctuary Flooring: $105,000
Solar Panels Installation: $160,000 (after federal incentives)
Total Campaign Goal: $1,000,000
Funds Already Designated: $455,000
Remaining Funds Needed: $545,000
We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your faithfulness, generosity, and commitment to our church. By coming together as a community, we can restore our home and renew our faith, guided by Christ's enduring light. Thank you for your support.
On the journey with you,
Rev. Adam C. Bowling
P.S. We are managing this capital campaign entirely "in house," ensuring that 100% of your donations go directly to the church and these essential projects. This means every dollar you give will have its full impact on our mission and ministry.
Congregational Meeting Introducing the Capital Campaign on July 7, 2024